Wednesday, October 11, 2006

So, you say you're a Photog?

I went to a speaker last night and took photos for the advance-titan, our school newspaper.
The speaker was Bobbie Weiner, a Hollywood make-up artist. She is also known as Bloody Mary. The paper printer usual prints out our photos darker, so I had to lighten them up a bit more then normal. I used my nikon n53 film camera to take photos, but usually I use the newspapers Nikon N70, but for some reason that is not reading our memory cards at the moment.

I like shooting photographs for the newspaper. However, not all assignments are as exciting as they could be. Sometimes there is only so much you can do, while with other assignments you have freedom to experiment. I've been on staff for a semester now and I am still learning the art of photo journalism. I like it, but wish I could be better. I know in time I will be better, but I can't expect to be wonderful at everything the first time around.

Song of the evening: Phish - You Enjoy Myself

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